A word from the director
Welcome to Sciences Po Rennes
“Founded in 1991, Sciences Po Rennes is a French higher education establishment, part of a network of ten Institutes of Political Studies in France. Its mission is to train students from all social backgrounds, preparing them to take on responsibilities in the public, private, and no-profit sectors in France, Europe, and the rest of the world.
At Sciences Po Rennes, students receive an excellent, multidisciplinary education in human and social sciences. The humanistic teaching approach is a blend of tradition and innovation, involving both individual and group aspects, and instilling a sense of personal responsibility, the general interest, and open-mindedness in respect of the major issues facing society today.
Sciences Po Rennes engages young people’s vitality and enthusiasm, together with their capacity for innovation and adaptability, to address the challenges of a constantly and rapidly changing world. This prestigious and institutional education is itself also constantly developing. Sciences Po Rennes was the first Institute of Political Studies to make a year abroad mandatory for all students; its commitment to innovation is also evidenced by the new specialist courses introduced in subjects including forward planning and consultation engineering, cybersecurity, urban engineering, and sustainable development. These run alongside the school’s range of more traditional courses, such as preparation for the French National School of Administration (ENA) and our Schools of Journalism, Public Policy, International Affairs, and Organisational Management.
Sciences Po Rennes is also home to highly specific courses: our Chinese world course, a Master’s in Public Policy co-accredited with the Rennes École Normale Supérieure, and the INSA-Sciences Po Rennes ‘Excellence Track’ (the only such double degree in France), and others.
All these courses focus on employability: 95% of graduates find a job within three months. This figure is boosted by the skills of our experienced faculty and course content that is constantly being reviewed in the light of our advanced research in the fields of human and social sciences.
The school continues to establish and strengthen its unique identity, based around our highly professional staff and faculty and our core values of fraternity and solidarity, ensuring equal opportunities and access to success. Our expertise in initial training, vocational training, and lifelong learning is well-known and recognised.”
Pablo Diaz
Director, Sciences Po Rennes
relations.internationales@sciencespo-rennes.frTel. : +33 - 2 99 84 39 18
Fax: +33 - 2 99 84 39 50